We all have our own life journey that the universe has chosen for us. We have no idea when we are kids growing up what those life lessons are going to be and to be honest I never even thought about anything like that growing up and I’m certainly glad I didn’t know what my life lessons were going to be at that time. In my family I’m the middle child, I have an older sister and a younger brother. Growing up I don’t remember having a care in the world. I certainly didn’t worry about much at all.
Life as a young girl was full of fun and adventures.
As I got older I started to realise we all have ‘stuff’ going on that we don’t really recognise as a
young person, most of which has been ingrained into us from a very early age shaping our lives
either positively or negatively. Unfortunately, it is often the negative that causes a detrimental
effect in one part of our lives that quickly spreads to every area, leaving us feeling helpless and
searching for answers in all the wrong places.
From about 12 or 13 weight became a huge focus for both my sister and me. My sister was really
pretty and as I became more aware of myself and maturing into a young woman I felt like the
ugly duckling, even though I was tall and slim. I didn’t fit in with people like my sister did,
everyone liked my sister (from the outside looking in that was what I saw). Everyone loved my
sister but I wasn’t sure that anyone particularly liked me. I wanted to be liked and fit in just like
my sister did growing up. My sister was allowed to do way more than I ever was when we were growing up. All these insecurities I took with me into my teenage years and eventually adulthood. I became this really needy young girl.
This is where my life lessons started I believe!

The home front was that I was not “skinny enough”, “pretty enough” or “good enough”. My reality was, in fact, my normality as I struggled with myself, wanting to fit in, getting in and out of toxic relationships, seeking approval of others in what felt like a never-ending emotional roller coaster.
The problem was I could not find a way to get out of this turbulent ride. I didn’t know what life skills were at the time. My outlet was training, whether it was running or going to the gym. The training diverted my focus but I still felt un-fulfilled even though outwardly my appearance said otherwise.
Something was missing, and I had no idea what it was I was missing in my life. I was put on many diets (along with my sister in our teenage years). Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Shake Diets, even diet pills at 16. I still came out of these diets feeling empty. My cup was always half empty and I had no idea nor the skills to fill my cup.
6 years ago I broke away from some very toxic relationships with some family members which left me at my lowest, this is where my self-love journey began. I decided to invest in me. It was time to find out who Jo really was, what Jo wanted in life, and where Jo wanted to be. I finally got to experience what self-love and self-belief were truly about.
I learned how important these two things were. Loving yourself has nothing to do with being stuck up, in fact, it is the complete opposite.
Self-love taught me that I am worthy and deserving of everything I choose in my life. Putting aside other people’s opinions and judgment no matter right or wrong.

In 2017 a friend of mine said you should book a glamour photo shoot. For a split second, I freaked out because this was not the norm for me. It took me completely out of my comfort zone, but the more I thought about it the more I knew I was deserving of this experience. It was my birthday coming up so I thought why not! It was the most amazing, fun experience I’ve ever had. Having my hair and makeup done, and dressing up in different outfits was the best feeling ever. I felt sexy for the first time in my life. I knew it was not being stuck up, it was knowing I was worthy and deserving of the experience.
Do you think I felt amazing looking like this?

In October 2019 I competed in a body sculpting competition in Auckland (a life long dream fulfilled). 5 1/2 months of intense training, strict dieting, in the gym training 6 days a week. I thought it was great and at the time I really enjoyed the challenge and the discipline it took me to achieve a life long goal. When I finished the competition I really struggled with my body and physiological stuff that goes on after (which no one tells you about). To everyone around me, I looked amazing, but inside I was really struggling mentally. 5 1/2 months of training to achieve a life long goal and 4 times as long to recover mentally. I lost my self confidence, I suffered body dysmorphia (and still do to this day) I didn’t want to step foot in a gym, I didn’t want to be around anyone, I certainly didn’t want to go out anywhere nice where I had to put on nice clothes, it was the worst feeling I’d ever experienced. Yes the hype of it all was great. I looked amazing on the outside, but I didn’t feel amazing on the inside. I was at another very low point in my life.
It's so interesting how the image of the perfect looking body is in fact a myth and that the best diets and exercise programme will only get you so far. Having a body like I did is not sustainable long term. The perception of looking amazing left me feeling at my worst mentally. It is the self love journey that is essential to your success.

Every single person has the right to experience what I experienced with my photo shoot. It doesn’t have to be through a photo shoot, it can be doing anything that lights you up. The only reason I got to experience this was because I learned to love myself for being me and that I am allowed to do whatever it is I choose for me.
Self love is a journey of self discovery. Is it all roses all the time - no it isn’t but it’s the journey to get there that is life changing. No matter if you are thin or overweight it’s about accepting yourself for who you are right now while on your journey.
My body journey of self love has awoken me to some truths about myself which have enabled me to reclaim back my life. It has now positioned me to share the knowledge of my personal breakthrough with you all.
There will always be speed bumps in our lives it’s about how we deal with them that keeps us moving forward. Loving ourselves from the inside out is everything.
Through my hardships, Body Journey was born.
“The comeback is always stronger than the setback”
For the first time in my life, I have embraced myself and so can you...
Contact me so we can start your body journey with my online program.